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Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Marketing (Co-op)

Tuition fee CA$20,094 per year

The fees are for the 2024–2025 academic year and include tuition (CA$18,375), health insurance and ancillary charges.

The fees displayed are estimates only for two semesters and are subject to change.

Registration fee CA$390 one-time

The registration fee includes the non-refundable application fee (CA$90) and the refundable deposit fee (CA$300).

Please REVIEW the EdviseCanada`s fee policy.

Accommodation fee CA$1,800 per month

The above fee is an estimated amount for living expenses for one month.

  • Including the cost of food, rent, transportation and other living expenses (varies depending on your living preferences).
  • Estimated living expenses are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.

More information



Through this four-year degree program, you will be qualified to develop marketing strategies across traditional and emerging digital media and distribution channels, aspiring towards 360-degree customer engagement with campaigns grounded in marketing analytics. Students will study various marketing strategies and have profound business analytics and marketing insights expertise.

You will also demonstrate an in-depth understanding of how marketing strategy fits into the micro – and macro – business context.


Throughout this program, you will develop the following skills:

  • Creative problem-solving
  • Curiosity
  • Adaptability
  • Resiliency
  • Strong communication skills
  • Project management

Mandatory Degree Co-op

Work experience includes at least one term in a formal work environment. The work term(s) may be a paid or unpaid position completed between two academic semesters and requires a minimum of 420 hours. Students must be in good standing and meet all identified requirements before participating in the work experience. The successful completion of the work term(s) is required for graduation.

Eligibility for participation does not guarantee that a work position will be secured. Additional fees are required for the mandatory degree work term regardless of success in securing a work position.

Career opportunities

When you graduate from this program, these are the types of career options that you can explore:

  • Marketing analyst
  • Product manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Marketing assistant
  • Digital media specialist
  • Social media manager
  • Advertising and promotions manager
Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025
Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025