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Tourism - Services Management - Global Tourism Business Specialization (Optional Co-op)

Tuition fee CA$16,011 per year

The fees are for the 2022–2023 academic year and include tuition (CA$14,486), health insurance and ancillary charges.

The fees displayed are estimates only for two semesters and are subject to change.

Registration fee CA$390 one-time

The registration fee includes the non-refundable application fee (CA$90) and the refundable deposit fee (CA$300).

Please REVIEW the EdviseCanada`s fee policy.

Accommodation fee CA$1,800 per month

The above fee is an estimated amount for living expenses for one month.

  • Including the cost of food, rent, transportation and other living expenses (varies depending on your living preferences).
  • Estimated living expenses are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.

More information



The tourism sector is a large economic growth contributor in Ontario, Canada and the world. This two-year diploma program will help you establish a service-driven attitude and develop your business and entrepreneurial skills to create, promote and sell global tourism products and services. You will graduate as a specialist in tourism destination innovation and implementing exciting new tourism services.

You will develop business skills in marketing, sales and customer relations, negotiation, risk management, industry-specific global distribution systems, local and international tourism destinations and geography.

In semester two of the program, you can continue your studies in the Tourism – Services Management, Global Tourism Business concentration or switch to Tourism – Services Management – Travel Services. Switching is seamless with a common first semester in both programs.

Graduates of Tourism – Services Management – Global Tourism Business Specialization (GTB) with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher have an advanced entry pathway toward Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Business Management.


As an aspiring industry professional, you will study and work in a Seneca-branded uniform, helping you feel job-ready from the start. You must purchase the uniform at an additional cost.


Throughout this program, you will develop the following skills:

  • Strong communicators, extensive soft skills
  • Solid core knowledge and technical skills
  • Understand sector needs, including business management, analytics and technology
  • See the industry as a way of life and value lifelong learning
  • Globally savvy

Optional Co-op

Students meeting all academic requirements may have the opportunity to complete an optional co-op work term(s) in a formal work environment. In most cases, the work term(s) is a full-time paid position completed between two academic semesters.  In programs with limited co-op opportunities, additional academic requirements and a passing grade on a communication assessment may be required for eligibility.  Eligibility for participation does not guarantee a work position will be secured. Additional fees are required for those participating in the optional co-op stream regardless of success in securing a work position.

Field Placement

You will complete 150 hours of unpaid placement in the fourth semester in one of the tourism and travel segments. You will receive assistance from your professor, but it is your responsibility to confirm a placement upon successful completion of all third-semester courses before accepting a field placement position.

Study Abroad Opportunity

As a student of this program, you will benefit from Seneca’s affiliation with international educational institutions promoting student and faculty exchange programs, travelling seminars, and other international exchanges.

Seneca is a member of the:

  • Canadian Institute of Travel Counsellors (CITC)
  • Cruise Line International Association (CLIA)
  • Global Tourism Business Association (GTBA)
  • Meeting Professionals International (MPI)
  • Association of Canadian Travel Agencies (ACTA)
  • Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE)
  • Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO)
  • Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC)

Career opportunities

When you graduate from this program, these are the types of employers waiting for you:

  • Tourism development and marketing organizations
  • Travel information centres, national parks and campgrounds
  • Tourism attractions, festivals and event planning
  • Tour organizations, ground transportation and in-bound tourism
  • Travel retail, destination tourism and internet travel retail
  • Resorts, hotels, cruise lines, airlines
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