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Social Service Worker - Immigrants and Refugees

Tuition fee CA$16,043 per year

The fees are for the 2022–2023 academic year and include tuition (CA$14,486), health insurance and ancillary charges.

The fees displayed are estimates only for two semesters and are subject to change.

Registration fee CA$390 one-time

The registration fee includes the non-refundable application fee (CA$90) and the refundable deposit fee (CA$300).

Please REVIEW the EdviseCanada`s fee policy.

Accommodation fee CA$1,800 per month

The above fee is an estimated amount for living expenses for one month.

  • Including the cost of food, rent, transportation and other living expenses (varies depending on your living preferences).
  • Estimated living expenses are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.

More information



This two-year diploma program prepares you to succeed as a social service provider working with immigrants and refugees from diverse backgrounds. With a framework based on equity, social justice and anti-oppression principles, this program will provide insight and understanding of pre-migration conditions and how to effectively aid clients with migration and the integration process.

Your success in this program will be measured by your ability to grow, change and challenge your own beliefs, values and promote social justice, human dignity and equality.

As a graduate of this program with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, you are eligible to pursue Seneca’s Honours Bachelor of Community Mental Health program. This unique pathway allows you to earn a degree within two years (4 semesters plus a work-term) after completion of a summer bridging stream.

Completion of the summer bridging stream includes the following courses:

  • MHB399: Advanced Studies in Community Mental Health
  • MHB499: Health and Community Psychology
  • MHB599: Introduction to Mental Health and Addiction
  • MHB699: Crisis Counselling and Therapeutic Approaches
  • MHB799: Trauma Methods and practices in Community Mental Health


Throughout this program you will develop the following skills:

  • International and national migration policies
  • Settlement counselling
  • Case management
  • Community development
  • Advocacy
  • Fundraising and proposal writing
  • Program planning
  • Development and evaluation

Field Placement

As a student of this program, if you meet all the academic requirements, you will have the opportunity to participate in a field placement. Field placements are similar in length to an academic semester and typically involve full-time work hours that may be paid or unpaid.

You will benefit from supervision and have specified hours, duties and accountabilities to Seneca College, field placement agency, clients and the community at large. Fieldwork is a mutually agreed contract for which you will be evaluated by the field placement supervisor. The minimum commitment is the successful completion of specific periods as set out in the Field Placement Learning Contract.

These periods are typically:

  • The equivalent of two full days per week in semesters two, three and four
  • Full week block placements as scheduled throughout the program duration

Career opportunities

When you graduate from this program, these are the types of employers waiting for you:

  • Settlement agencies
  • Schools
  • Refugee shelters
  • Community centres
  • Criminal justice system
  • Women’s programs, shelters and agencies offering services for immigrant youth

Based on your skills, interests and professional background you will qualify to work as:

  • Job search workshop facilitator
  • Host program worker
  • Settlement worker
  • Housing worker
  • School settlement worker
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Oct 1, 2024
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Sep 2, 2025
Apply Now! September 2025
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Oct 1, 2024
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Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025