Logo of ILAC International College - Toronto

Business Administration

Tuition fee CA$10,700 per program

In addition to the above tuition fee, students are required to pay the following fees:

  • Student Services Fees (includes materials, ILAC Care & Health package): CA$1,040

Application fee CA$200 one-time

This fee is non-refundable.

More information



A business is only as successful as the people that manage its day-to-day operations. Understanding how organizations work and how to solve business problems is essential to running a successful business.

The Business Administration Programs at ILAC IC explore the roles and responsibilities of managers in an office setting and gives students the skills needed for a career in business administration. The program focuses on all aspects of managing and organizing a business in an administrative capacity and includes courses in analytics, human resources and business management.

Students learn how to become strong business administrators and have the option of doing a paid work placement (co-op) in Canada.

Program Highlights

  • 40 weeks in class + 12 weeks break
  • Earn a Canadian Diploma
  • Enjoy a flexible work schedule with evening classes

Class Times

  • Monday – Thursday (6:15 PM – 9:45 PM)
  • Plus 5 hours of online component per week

Program Start Dates

  • March 11, 2024
  • May 21, 2024
  • August 06, 2024
  • October 14, 2024
Apply Now! Commence year 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Oct 8, 2024
Apply Now! Commence year 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Oct 8, 2024