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Electrical Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)

Tuition fee CA$16,570 per year

The fee is for the 2022–2023 academic year and includes tuition (CA$13,750), health insurance and ancillary charges.

The fees displayed are estimates for two semesters and are subject to change.

Registration fee CA$400 one-time

The registration fee includes the non-refundable application fee (CA$100) and the refundable deposit fee (CA$300).

Please REVIEW the EdviseCanada`s fee policy.

More information



The three-year Electrical Engineering Technology program has been designed to provide students with both theoretical and practical experience, enabling them to work in a wide variety of electrical engineering areas including power systems and process control.

In the first two years, students gain experience with electric motors, controls, PLCs, generators, transformers and their industrial applications. In the third year, students continue with advanced PLC applications as applied to a variety of industrial processes including machine controls, PID controls, batching operations, remote monitoring and servo systems.

The Electrical Engineering Technology program prepares students to work with power generation, automation systems, instrumentation and various other control systems. Throughout the program, students will also gain experience in safety practices, safety standards and equipment, technical writing and CAD.

Graduating students perform technological functions in various aspects of the energy field, primarily in support of research, development and design at a recognized technologist level.

The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) conditionally recognizes this program as meeting all the academic requirements for certification in the Certified Engineering Technologist (CET) category.

Applying to the Co-op Stream

The optional co-op stream includes four consecutive four-month work terms.

Co-operative Education integrates academic studies with program-related experience in the workplace. This results in better-trained workers who are familiar with their professional expectations and have the skills needed to contribute to an organization right from the start.

The College cannot guarantee co-op employment. All co-op students are required to conduct an independent co-op job search in addition to the supports and services provided by the Department of Co-op Education.

Students will be informed of the application deadline and process to apply for the Co-op Stream. Labour market conditions determine the number of co-op seats in optional co-op programs. Every student who meets academic eligibility requirements may not be admitted to the co-op stream.

To be considered for admission to the co-op stream, students are required to achieve a minimum 80% session weighted average and no failed or dropped courses during the term that occurs two terms prior to the co-op work term.

Career opportunities

Graduates are prepared for employment in the electrical industry as electrical technologists designing electric machines, troubleshooting electrical systems, performing engineering tests on controls and heavy electrical equipment and in quality assurance.

Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025
Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025