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Business - Accounting

Tuition fee CA$17,008 per year

The displayed fee is for the 2022-2023 academic year and is subject to change. The fee covers two semesters and includes tuition (CA$14,150), health insurance, and other ancillary charges.

Registration fee CA$400 one-time

The registration fee includes the non-refundable application fee (CA$100) and the refundable deposit fee (CA$300).

Please REVIEW the EdviseCanada`s fee policy.

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Study where everyone knows your name! Graduate job-ready. Apply your knowledge to any organization.

An accounting education helps you to understand “the numbers” which is critical to the success of every type of business. If you are a logical thinker and enjoy the challenge of unravelling the mystery of numbers then this program is for you. In this increasingly complex and competitive business environment, accounting skills are very much in demand.

The program provides a foundation in all of the functional business areas and comprehensive education in specific accounting practices and theory. Through a strong focus on application, students develop the skills needed for success in the business world; analytical thinking, problem-solving, communication and teamwork. Students graduate ready to enter the workforce and support the accounting activities of any organization.

Career opportunities

Graduates work in a broad range of employment settings in all sectors of business and industry, including banks and other financial institutions, government offices, public accounting firms, small business, self-employment, tax preparation firms, financial planning firms, manufacturing firms, and non-profit organizations.

Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025
Apply Now! January 2025
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Jan 2, 2025
Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025
Apply Now! January 2025
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Jan 2, 2025