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Communicative Disorders Assistant

Tuition fee CA$18,219 per program

The displayed fee is for the 2022-2023 academic year and is subject to change. The fee covers two semesters and includes tuition (CA$15,450), health insurance, and other ancillary charges.

Registration fee CA$400 one-time

The registration fee includes the non-refundable application fee (CA$100) and the refundable deposit fee (CA$300).

Please REVIEW the EdviseCanada`s fee policy.

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Study physiological and functional speech/language and hearing disorders. Learn techniques to help others communicate. On-site clinic for hands-on learning.

Students gain knowledge and hands-on experience to work in an adjunctive capacity as supportive personnel to qualified Speech-Language Pathologists and/or Audiologists in a variety of treatment settings. Students focus on conducting programming after the Speech-Language Pathologist or the Audiologist has completed the assessment and determined the therapy plan, as well as practicing the variety of other types of duties within this profession.

Based on a thorough understanding of physiological and functional speech/language and hearing disorders, students develop programming skills and learn intervention techniques to evoke and sustain communication behaviours. In addition, students identify the behaviour and environmental factors that can potentially support or erode the efficacy of therapy.

Work-integrated learning

This program includes a field placement component where you will gain practical, hands-on work experience in a setting relevant to your program.

Career opportunities

Graduates of this program are prepared for employment as supportive personnel (speech and learning technicians, speech aides, therapy assistants, audiometric technicians, or hearing screeners) serving children and adults with communicative disorders and delays.

They may find work in a variety of settings including children’s treatment centres, school boards, public health units, Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), hospitals, early years centres and private speech and/or audiology clinics, under the supervision and direction of qualified Speech-Language Pathologists and/or Audiologists.

Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025
Apply Now! September 2025
Application start
Oct 1, 2024
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
Sep 2, 2025